Future Mind Extension – Master Thesis

The aim of this project was to create a framework in which creative professionals, technical specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, and the general public can discuss and shape the future of a design process together.


To achieve this aim, this master thesis combines different theoretical models and presents a practical example of design practice. The methodology of design fiction was used as a leading approach to make the technological, social, and economic  implications of the future design process tangible and to create a  common basis for discussion among various stakeholder groups. Fictional and narrative worlds can be designed and materialized  using “what if” scenarios and “diegetic prototypes”. These worlds are experienced by the recipients and provoke reflective thought and participation. Thus, future solutions for the field of artificial intelligence can be generated using future design processes with the support of design as a scientific instrument.


>>> Master Thesis <<<


 january 2020


 conception / research / text / layout


master thesis