The Rock, Paper, Anthropocene, Marvin, and Blob-Game
In the project ‚Rock, Paper, Anthropocene, Marvin, and Blob,‘ the traditional ‚rock-paper-scissors‘-game metamorphoses into a dynamic interplay among human, AI, and organic elements. Each player (human, AI and slime mold) picks a variable and reveals it at the same time. The fusion of AI, the enigmatic slime mold, and humans sparks contemplation on identity, diversity, and empowerment. By transcending conventions, it attempts to contaminate conservative approaches with a renewed perspective and infusing AI models with the unpredictable vitality of the slime mold.
2023 / Installation with slime molds, AI and human agency
conception / research / text / layout
PhD thesis, RE:SOURCE 2023 – The 10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology